type 10 war thunder

rising thunder type 10 - Google Search. When you are about to touch down you should be flying at around 140 kph. Hispano-Suiza-built aircraft were powered by the Wright Cyclone R-1820-F-54 engine. But once you get used to it, try to lure every enemy into a turnfight, as that is where the I-16 shines. Important note: DO NOT put too much rolling and pitching input at once, as aforementioned the I-16 tend to enter spins easily. Type 10 tank is Japanese new Main Battle Tank used since 2010. Thus you must put rudder input as opposed to the side it's shifting towards, and apply positive pitch to keep the propeller off the ground. Now that we have the 2A6 in the game what do we think the chances are we get this beauty? In this style its weight is lower than 40 tons. Sing in using a social network account. In transportation, this tank can detach modular armor and its cover on turret. Home; For friends; Tools; Forum. lets not. Two of them are mounted above the engine cowling and carry 650 RPG while other pair are mounted on the wings and have ammo load out of 900 rounds each. This armament in-game is limited to six wing-mounted RS-82 rockets, unfortunately these rockets had a somewhat lacklustre performance against armour (although they are a still a considerable upgrade compared to just light machine guns) and can be somewhat effective against exposed ground targets and enemy aircraft with the use of good aim and a bit of luck. ← More from War Thunder Recent War Thunder Posts. War Thunder player stats. Also the rather big nose blocks the visibility a lot, offering very poor over-the-nose visibility which is a disadvantage in a turn fight, because when leading a shot the enemy will always get obstructed by the engine, making the player guess the shot. But, tanks are too expensive, so North Eastern Army and Middle army tank units will be abolished. This is the lightest 3rd gen (or 3.5 gen) MBT in the world. They should definitely fix that in the future. Post formatting doesn't work anymore. Two stick and a rock for the entire platoon! Is this picture the Type 10 with or without the extra armor? The elevator control of the I-16 is extremely sensitive, giving it good maneuverbility, but at the same time, bad handling. For easier aiming, you want to go for those unmaneuverble twin engine aircraft like Ju 88 or Ki-45, or bombers if there are any. Historically the cowling mounted machine guns were synchronized to propeller spin r… Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle. Two of them are mounted above the engine cowling and carry 650 RPG while other pair are mounted on the wings and have ammo load out of 900 rounds each. You do not want to use flaps anywhere except takeoff and landing, since they are very weak and will rip at more than 260 km/h, while the average speed during a battle tends to be around 300 km/h. Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example: © 2021 Gaijin Network Ltd. All rights reserved. However you want to be more careful when hunting bombers, since with the Sim control (whether it be mouse joystick or a real stick) the plane will manoeuvre much more gently, making itself a great target for the bomber's gunners. It was introduced in Update 1.91 "Night Vision". maybe research document about Type 10 development by MoD, Ministry of Defense documents about Type 10 MBT request for disclosure. If Gajin decides to go modern or once the rest of the tree is fulled out, then it's a yes, otherwise I'm fine with waiting. In March 1968, 53 years ago, the STB-1 appeared for the first time. Your graphics card should be Intel 4000 HD/Radeon HD 5550 / GeForce 8800 (The minimum supported resolution for the game is 720p). The biggest feature of this tank is its weight: in normal full load only 44.4 tons! By I-16 type 10 Ishak : War Thunder : Fighter I-16 type 10 Ishak - Info. So, they really need more light and good tank: Type 10! We just entered 3rd gen MBTs, we are still far away ((at least a year I guess, probably more) from todays tanks. Still, this armament is overall unreliable and it should only be taken in very specific situations if air combat is expected. Bewaard door Janvredeveld Janvredeveld Dive under it and suddenly pull up to shoot its defenseless underpart. Japanese already had 3rd gen MBT: Type 90. but it was too heavy (over 50 tons! This also means it is susceptible to air strafing attacks. Waiting for battleships. The Type 90 is really a 10.7 vehicle gimped into a prototype form to fit at 10.0 upon introduction, now half heartedly fixed to sit at 10.3. Once one or both flaps are gone it creates an imbalance in the roll axis, making spins more common. However getting hits on them tend to do little work, as your MGs lack damage. calm down. google.com.au Afkomstig van . A total number of 276 aircraft were delivered to Spain from 1936 to 1938. If it flies way higher than you, change your target. This page was last edited on 1 April 2021, at 07:01. Instead, before attacking, get an altitude advantage over the bomber by flying around 2 km above it. It would basically be a Japanese Leo 2A6 no? This bomber is not only quite durable, but also pretty fast. However in this mode, its characteristics appear to be quite conflicting. A total of 934 I-16 Type 10 were built by the time production ended in 1939. War Thunder CDK Камуфляжи Миссии ... Calliope, M26 T99, U-SH 405, Type 75 MLRS, 15 cm Pz.W.42. Make sure you are around 1 km from the start of the runway and is no more than 300m high. When dealing with fighters, it is way harder to aim. The I-16 Type 10 was also supplied in big numbers to Chinese Nationalist Air Force where it proved quite effective against the early A5M's and IJN bombers and attackers but fared very badly against the modern and much better performing A6M2 Zero. Just like the SB 2M, the I-16 can still fly when it's extremely slow, causing it to bounce up during landing which can lead to a fatal crash. You must release brakes once every 4 seconds, because if you only release them as the nose dips down, it's too late. The climbing, speed and diving acceleration receive a timid upgrade when compared to the Type 5 with particularly the former still proving a rather good asset (even much faster aircraft like the Bf 109 F or the Spitfire Mk I aren't that much better at climbing than the Type 10 at low attitudes meaning that even when facing them there's still hope to do so at a similar energy state). Unlike the Type 5 that precedes it, Type 10 does have the ability to mount armament on its external pylons. Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos. Also this tank have very good mobility: its top speed is 70 km/h in drive and back! How does the tank compare to the Type 90? In War Thunder, Type 1936А (Z25) will be one of the rewards for completing the tasks in the new Battle Pass season. Aim at the engines, avoid shooting the fuselage. DCS, F-14, Panavia Tornado, BMPT, Wiesel, Puma, Marder 2, Nuclear engineering, Armoured warfare, Anime, SF. War Thunder "Kawasaki Ki-61-I-Tei Army Type 3 fighter "Hien"/"Tony", 1st Squadron(Chutai) 56th Air Combat Group(Hiko Sentai), 1945, Japanese homeland air defense" 11. with a battle rating of 1.7 (AB/RB/SB). I hope air rank 6 and navy comes before 4th gen(?) When will World War II tanks be separated from modern cold war tanks? about 1 hour ago - … Dive at the bomber, but not directly at it, try to predict where you two will crash by imagining yourself as a missile, that's where you should aim at (deflection shooting). © 2021 by Gaijin Games Kft. Its Towel box/ spaced armor, but add on armor will into this space. … Now this tank built 93 in 2010-2018. about 2 months ago - Smin1080p - Direct link In general, as BVV explained in the Q and A today, its mostly down to finding the most reliable armour scheme as well as some more fine details that are clearly defined by sources. about 1 hour ago - Stona. It is recommended to set the convergence within 300m, with vertical convergence on, because the majority of turnfights happen at that range or closer. And we had to share the rock! u/Hopossum posted a nice summarization of the available type 10 stats here Historically the cowling mounted machine guns were synchronized to propeller spin resulting in a rate of fire of 1,460 rpm, the preliminary analysis seems to suggest that the synchronization gear is not modelled in the game and all four guns fire at 1,800 rpm. somewhere on Earth, or perhaps inside it? http://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/nae/7d/tk_history.html#hito, I think side armor thickness is same as Type 90, But it get spaced armor so better than it. Sign In. Author: The War Thunder Team The four-gun Type 10 was nicknamed “Super Mosca” or simply “Super”. Powered by Invision Community, Plain version is without modular armor and its cover (40 tons), and research modification it get modular armor (44.4 tons), Plain version have modular armor (44.4 tons), and research modification it get add-on armor (48 tons), Plain version is without modular armor, and it should have 2 stages of modification, Naval things overall, Japanese ground vehicles and Japanese translation. And, this tank can equip add-on-armor on top and side. i'd say compare the basic M1A1 model to the M1A2 SEP V1 or V2 sans non-frontal armor upgrades. ... sooo... any facts to go along with these pretty pictures and copy pasta statistics? You must control your rate of descent (I-16's gears are fragile) and make sure that you are slightly pitching upwards with the nose obstructing the horizon. When the runway fills up your gunsight, drop speed to around 210 kph and deploy landing flaps. Tank Mania. The I-16 Type 10 was first deployed in combat in March 1938 in Spain becoming the backbone of the Spanish Republican Air Force through the remaining half of the conflict. Vkontakte Facebook Google. The plane has a rather nasty habit of starting to bank side to side and even sometimes turning upside down while trying to pull out too sharply from a high-speed dive, its occurrence can prove deadly at low attitudes. Japanese already had 3rd gen MBT: Type 90. but it was too heavy (over 50 tons! The best position for an attack is at the bomber's high 6 so you can adjust the lead much easier. So you have both pro and cons at the same time and we can't quantify any of them without further info. Side module have lots of access door. The Type 94 Isuzu SPAA reflects the early Russian AA's: It is a truck with an MG mounted on it. The defensive and offensive tactics that work best for the I-16 Type 10 are similar to the ones that can be employed in Type 5, mainly the use of scissors and short vertical manoeuvres, the main difference is that the Type 10's lower roll rate makes the use of roll rate alone as an evasive tactic a lot less feasible than with its predecessor while the increased weight may prove decisive while using vertical manoeuvres as a way to avoid light fighters like the A5M4 or the Ki-27. War Thunder. This type of gaming rig will deliver you around the 60 Frames per second. The I-16 type 10 can be outfitted with the following ordnance: Like its predecessor the strength of Type 10 depends to some extent on its versatility, being able to outspeed most biplanes and outmanoeuvre most monoplanes it faces. Back in my day, we didn't have fancy tanks! It has to be kept in mind that in spite of the increased weight and more powerful armament, the lack of trimmer control and plane's inherent stability make it a rather lousy gun platform compared to latter heavier aircraft. At least JGSDF says defenses, attacks and mobility are improved. Saved from google.com.au. The I-16 type 10 is a rank I Chinese fighter with a battle rating of 1.7 (AB/RB/SB). aizenns, May 21, 2018 in Passed for Consideration, Drawings from Japan Ministry of Defense, Type 10 tank specification document. The I-16 will respond in a very fast turn upon moving your stick / mouse by a little bit, which makes tracking nimble planes quite hard. IL-10. The I-16 Type 10 is equipped with four ShKAS machine guns chambered with the 7.62 x 54R cartridge, a cyclic rate of fire of 1,800 rpm. Place in War Thunder: The Type 10 prototypes could work to fill in the tech tree gap between the Type 90 and the Type 10 (whenever that is inevitably added to War Thunder) However, they mostly have the same specifications as the standard weight (44 ton) Type 10. The I-16 Type 10 is equipped with four ShKAS machine guns chambered with the 7.62 x 54R cartridge, a cyclic rate of fire of 1,800 rpm. The I-16 can be used in turnfighting, bomber intercepting and ground pounding. I Voted Yes, But It Won't Be Likely It Will Be Added Soon, It's Still In Service For Less Than 10y (8y Currently)  Arcade Battles. Also pick your target carefully. The Type 90 has a … Only fire when the bomber passes in front of your guns. ... Одним из существенных недостатков Type 90 … Dashboard Squadron rankings Statistics Vehicles Videos Platoon The needed EFFICIENCY for the specific rank. Chasing behind a bomber makes yourself stationary for the tail gunners, and you will be showered with bullets. Of course, it is still not to be neglected, and as with any light machine gun armed vehicle, a relatively close gun convergence range of 150 to 400 meters is generally more effective. It also makes landing harder. The plane is still very far from more modern aircraft like the Yak-1, the Ki-44, the Bf 109 E/F and the Spitfire Mk I in speed and vertical manoeuvrability forcing the Type 10 to stick to the defensive if facing a competent pilot in any of those high speed aircraft. Published by Gaijin Network Ltd. under the exclusive license. Now listen up! not sure really, i thought that the type 90 would be as far, as they can take the japanese TT (call me cynical). Yes, but as MBT range expands it will come. Bring at least 30 minutes of fuel, although it decreases the plane's performance a bit, it prevents constant refueling which saves time for patrolling and fighting. The I-16 Type 10 was also one of the most important VVS fighter during the air engagements over Khalkhin Gol and Finland in 1939, in the former conflict the arrival of this model in big numbers, alongside with the arrival of more experienced aircrews, played an important role in allowing the VVS to achieve air superiority in the latter half of the conflict. Honestly, it's a bit modern for now, Japan is still missing a ton of WW2 and 1980's equipment, I think JGSDF vehicle that we have chance is only Type 16 MCV, Type 89 FV (and minor changes of in-game units.). Or you can simply do tight turns, most monoplanes won't be able to cut inside your turn and they might disengage. The bomber should only fill up about 1/6 of your gunsight. If you are not very experienced in sim, you can also go for even bigger targets (bombers) for easier aiming. It's not out of the realm of possibility, but we can't explain it without more details. But this solution needs a lot of constructional depth so I'm not sure that you it's possible to do this on the hull as well. Once you have destroyed the enemy tank (it is almost for sure you will), retreat to a safe position, as it takes a large amount of time to reload. 120mm tank gun for Type 10 tank specification document. In an attempt to counter this advantage in late 1938 several I-16 were retrofitted with supercharged Wright Cyclone R-1820-F-54 engines which, used in conjunction with an oxygen pump system for the pilot, allowed for an increase of the plane's practical service ceiling and overall performance at high attitude. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge. The IL-10 is a Rank IV Attacker aircraft with powerful 23 millimeter cannons. Its huge fuselage is very spacious and can absorb lots of bullets and shells. More ever, there is no trim control available in a sim battle and the I-16 always pitch up and down. (include side-skirt). I honestly can't tell. Either go for a head-on or use deflection shooting and aim for its engines. If you cannot keep up with it, disengage. Unlike the I-16 Type 5, Type 10 is equipped with a PAK-1 reflector sight making overall aiming at close range easier than with a telescopic sight. This style is for transportation, but in the drive test and Shooting test it without modular armor, so this tank can fight in this style. Also the front of the turret look like the Leo 2A5 wedges which are most likely big empty cavities to allow an incoming rod to tilt inside (significantly degrading it's penetration). Development of the aircraft started in December 1937 with the plane being tested and entering production through the winter, by March 1938 it was already being put into operational service. The trick is similar: slow it down more than other aircraft. War Thunder is a vehicular combat multiplayer video game developed and published by Gaijin Entertainment.Announced in 2011, it was first released in November 2012 as an open beta with a worldwide release in January 2013; it had its official release on 21 December 2016. While the increase of the armament by double may seem already quite an upgrade it has to be remembered that the extra pair of light machine guns are fitted in the cowling, which means that convergence range is not quite as important for effective fire when compared to the wing mounted only armament of the Type 5. Official data sheet - more details about the performance, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=I-16_type_10&oldid=99801, 6 mm Steel - Plating behind the pilot seat, 2 x 7.62 mm ShKAS machine guns, nose-mounted (650 rpg = 1,300 total), 2 x 7.62 mm ShKAS machine guns, wing-mounted (900 rpg = 1,800 total), Excellent turning ability- with combat flaps deployed it can out-turn He 112, He 100 and even turn fighters like the early, Extreme roll rate allows it to do offensive / defensive scissors easily, which is an advantage over Bf 109 and, 4 x ShKAS machine guns have good fire rate, adequate velocity and accuracy, and plenty of ammo (3,100 rounds total) for longer fights, Suspended armament provides rockets and bombs which, to an extent, allows some ground attack ability, Is a very short and small plane, offering the enemy a harder target to hit, Extremely poor level speed, climb rate, dive acceleration and energy retention- will get outran, out-climbed and out-dived easily by Bf 109 E, He 100, and sometimes even struggles to keep up with bombers, Engine tends to overheat when diving at more than 500 km/h, Control surfaces are unresponsive over 450 km/h, Flaps are very weak and will break over 250 km/h, severely limiting its sharp-turning potential at higher speeds, Gear retraction/lowering is rather slow compared to other fighters, No manual trim controls in Simulator which makes it hard to handle, Although manoeuvrable, it can still get out-turned by the Ki-10 or biplanes like the He-51, Hard to fly in SB -- very unstable in pitch, poor over-the-nose visibility and is prone to enter flat spins. Quite a bit of bullets are required to effectively damage the enemy so you must be patient. Fighter I-16 type 10 Ishak. First enter 3rd Gen starter, then fill the ranks with some other vehicles (light tanks, ATGMs, and so on) and then take the next step. This can be quite problematic since the aircraft's overall performance isn't much better than the Type 5's and is actually inferior in some regards. After the war, several dozens of I-16's passed into service with the Spanish Air Force until 1953.

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