learn to see things from different perspective

By looking at things from a different perspective, you can gain new insight into problems and improve your social interactions. – Sri Chinmoy 1. The exercise works even when it does not provide any useful answers immedi­ately, as you will probably not be able to think of the situation in quite the same way again. Exposing Yourself to Different Points of View Listen to other people carefully. Even if you believe you have no choice, claim back your power by imagining you do. Have You Ever Felt Like Blaming God For All The Bad Things? Nothing annoys me more than a person who bash other people just because they wanted other people to do things their way. Position 1 is seeing things from our own perspective, looking through our own eyes as we do in any communication, being ourselves. To help broaden your understanding even more, attend the religious service of a different faith, or spend time volunteering to assist people who come from a different background than you. Ask yourself, “Would there be any good reason to choose it?”, “Would anyone ever have a good reason to choose this?”. The new ways may feel a bit odd at first, but they will give us a wider range of options for our think­ing and feeling. And that's it! You are not being asked to believe anything. Try not to be harsh or blaming to yourself, just be open to the possibilities. Creating perspective is an approximate representation of an image that is seen as though the human eye. For example, you can read biographies, watch documentaries, or read/watch interviews with people who are from different countries, ethnic backgrounds, religions, or political parties. Analyze each person’s personality. {amazonWS:searchindex=Books;keywords=forgiveness healing;maxresults=3}, If you’ve contracted COVID, you not only had health problems that may have been life-threatening,…, Chanting is one of the easiest ways to turn within. He also worked within the computer field as a Freelance IT Contractor to BT, and Apple Computer UK. We can break out of our well-worn pathways of thinking and feeling and learn new ways. We may have to dig through some oddities to find hidden gems and then polish them up a little to see if they are worth anything to us. See things from different perspectives through drawing. Is there anything I can do to help?”. Of course, each of these things in a different level depending on the professors, tutors, supervisors, colleagues, and so on, that we have. In our formative years, we tend to look to others to help us understand the world and to help us see the meaning of events. The exercise is not about what you believe, or what you don’t believe. Within any meeting of people all the individuals will of course have their own belief system, and will therefore have different perspectives - see and think about things differently - and this will affect the way these individuals interact with each other. Learn to see things from a different perspective. Ask them questions if anything they say is unclear to you. If we feel confident we may interpret a new experience as an opportunity. William Martin's experience of over 30 years involvement with the Findhorn community is encapsulated within these pages. By using our site, you agree to our. If a negative thought Claims you as its victim, Can you not immediately take shelter In the embrace Of a positive thought? In the…, Don't think about enlightenment as a goal, it is not. In essence we need to learn to get into other peoples shoes and see things from their side. Life has many complications, but at the same time, it is full of blessings. Make eye contact and face the person while they are talking. Instead of thinking about how you're going to respond, just focus on what they're saying. Whether we find something easy or difficult has a lot to do with the assumptions we make about the meaning of an event, or the meaning of someone’s behavior. Expert Interview. Sandra Possing. He has had many roles within the community including working in the famous gardens, Managing the Computer Department and at one point having the grandly titled role Chairman of the Executive Committee. A powerpoint presentation showing a little storyboard about people seeing a cube from different sides, and how they work out who is telling the truth about what they see. Reality can be different things. What would your favorite comedian say about why you chose it? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Crazy things happen in combat that…, We each have a choice, and let's be clear what that choice is. It is not a goal; it is not something that…, The Age of Aries brought an awakening of the outwardly directed ego, but the more feminine Piscean…, Does the real value of astrology reside in its insights into human behavior or in forecasting the…, One old behaviour that has persisted, and has arguably been amplified due to COVID-19, is sitting —…, In order to reach the summit of your own personal mountain, your mandate must be to love, inspire,…, Wuyou Sui, University of Victoria and Harry Prapavessis, Western University, If You’ve Contracted COVID: Healing and Moving Forward, If You’ve Contracted COVID: Healing and Moving Forward (Video), Chanting for Personal and Planetary Benefits, Slow Down and Embrace Nature – How To Create Better Cities, What Is mRNA? The … Frank Gamezuho Goroka. The results suggest that a second language can play an important unconscious role in framing perception, the authors conclude online this month in Psychological Science. perspective means trying to see things from his/her point of view. But with discipline, practice and emotional maturity, you will be able to find new ways of understanding your partner’s point of view. If we don’t feel confident we may experience it as a threat. Are visitors welcome to attend services?”. When there‟s a traffic accident, police ask for witnesses to come forward to describe what happened. Bribery becoming a necessity. Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. Your thoughts and feelings about it will be more fluid. Their approach might be very different, but still effective. Also could be a story starter. What we usually have are two different perspectives on one thing. What is the value of understanding multiple viewpoints? Click here for more Info and/or to Order this book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1844096289/innerselfcom. That Is Not the Question Here... Vaccination or No Vaccination? The wilder and more fanciful the responses we can find the better. For a beginner, creating perspective through drawing may be difficult as they may not be able to put what they see through their eyes on paper. The inability to see things from another’s perspective is at the root of relationship problems everywhere: from personal life, to work, to conflicts between religions, cultures, and nations. Our assumptions may be blocking our ability to find meaning in the kinds of experiences that challenge us. It is easy to enjoy relating to all kinds of people, however, the way … It is our natural tendency to think that we see things the way they ARE—but since we all see things from our own perspectives, it should be apparent that we see things as WE are, not as THEY are. Even if you believe you have no choice,claim back your power by imagining you do. What would a wise old man who has lived in a cave for 20 years say about why you chose it? Nana kwame says. We can learn to change our assumptions and change how we interpret events by loosening up our habitual ways of responding. It is up to educationists to motivate their students to be serious in whatever they do. What would a really annoying smart ass, know-it-all say about why you chose it? We’ve got a roof over our heads. Nor is it an article about not…, As we grow up, our egos become more complicated. Tag Archives: how to see things from different perspectives 8 Life Strategies That Playing Chess Has Taught Me Featured. This article has been viewed 23,494 times. Instead, End Toxic Masculinity and ‘Warrior Cops’, Compassionate Courage Moves Beyond 'Cancel Culture' To Challenge Systemic Racism – But It's Hard Work, Plants Thrive In A Complex World By Communicating, Sharing Resources And Transforming Their Environments. There is much evidence to show that those who recover the best from painful events are those who find something meaningful in the experience. When you look at things from a different perspective you'll soon start to notice your life will change for the better. Write out your reasons for feeling alienated from these people or groups of people. This means that all the responses to the questions need to be written down. The exercise below helps us tap into our inner wisdom and to see events and circumstances from a different perspective. Vaccination or No Vaccination? We have to see things from different perspectives before arguing. % of people told us that this article helped them. This article was co-authored by Sandra Possing. After I served homeless families Christmas dinners for a few years, the petty problems my family had didn’t seem to matter. Look into organizations that sponsor volunteers to travel to different countries, such as the Peace Corps, Doctors Without Borders, or even a local religious organization. We can use this technique for past events or current situations. Stop herding animals in Goroko town. Thanks. Oct 9, 2017 - Latest photos of Nargis Fakhri | Learn to see things from different perspectives Chess is a game that I love to play with my husband. PART 1: Allow an unhappy experience, or situation to come into your mind.

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